Wednesday, March 18, 2009


After an all night train journey in 3rd class AC, I alighted on the platform of Agra station at about 6.30 a.m. The trip wasn't too bad considering there were 3 layers on each side, and I was on the bottom layer, the man above was a snorer and all others in that tiny space were men. That was ok.
As my feet touched the platform, a man manifested with red teeth from beetle nut, and slicked down hair and rather unkempt. He stated to me "Hotel Maya?" I was confused as I was booked into Hotel Amar, but at that time of the morning and with the red teeth, I lost my sense. "Yes", wail I. So into a taxi we flee, avoiding the pimps, touts and everything else and speed off to Hotel Maya. Only after I had booked myself in, had a shower, breakfast and was back in the taxi for sightseeing, did I smell a rat.
Fortunately Grace my best friend always comes to the rescue - often just in time. Her second name is Reason. So Grace Reason implied to my mind that maybe there has been some mistake, as the red teeth were becoming a bit much and the sleeze and beady eyes - I insisted in stopping immediately, going back to the hotel Maya and ringing my travel man in Varanasi. Sure enough there had been a huge bungle as the travel man in Rishikesh had booked this hotel and I had not cancelled it. So....long story short, I abdicate one hotel for the other and head off to a glamour haunt, instal myself and await the fun.
So Agra really does not seem to have too much going for it except the massive Fort which is spectacular and of course the gorgeous Taj Mahal.
Tomorrow morning is set aside to see the Taj at dawn with the rising sun. This should be as beautiful as promised.
So after that, I will be heading back to Delhi and then home to Aussie land. Back to my Yoga classes, lovely students and beloved family.

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